Short Term Loans With Lower Fees
You Need Cash Today
You have found yourself in a situation and you need money before you get paid again – you can get a payday advance and get your money today. A payday loan can help you pay for car repairs, avoid overdraft charges from your bank or pay your bills without incurring late charges.
Choose Same Day Loan Co. or our partner 1FirstCashAdvance and receive:
- – Loans up to $500*
- – Easy and fast application process
- – Special repayment terms for disability recipients and seniors who receive their income monthly
*state mandated maximum
Professional Service That Is Fast and Easy
Requirements to obtain a payday loan:
Net income of $1000 per month or more (amount after taxes and deductions)
Currently employed with same employer for past 6 months, unless retired or on disability
Must have an active checking account
At least 18 years of age
Currently reside in St. Louis County, St. Louis City, or St. Charles County
What you need to bring with you:
Driver’s license or state issued ID card
Most recent bank statement – if printing, print the last 30 days of activity
Most recent pay sub or benefit verification
Current utility bill or piece of mail with current postmark
Your checkbook
Where You Can Apply For a Cash Advance
- If you are a legal resident of the state, you can apply for a payday loan in Missouri with 1FirstCashAdvance at the following address: 8921 Northwest Dr, Southaven, MS 38671.
- To access a speedy cash advance in the states nearby, visit the company offices at one of the following addresses:
- Iowa, 1138 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
- Illinois, 1529 N New York St, Aurora, IL 60505
- Kentucky: 1329 Red Mile Rd, Lexington, KY 40504
- Tennessee: 4685 Old Broadway NE, Knoxville, TN 37918
- Arkansas, 1101 E Rolling Hills Dr, Fayetteville, AR 72703
- Oklahoma: 1228 E Eastern Ave, Moore, OK 73160
- Kansas: 7301 W 125th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66213
- Nebraska, 207 W 71st St, Omaha, NE 6813
You can get the money you need today and pay lower fees.
Call us today and see how much you can save.
(636) 942-6425