Same Day Loans – Payday Cash Loan
Why Choose Us
Do You Need A Short Term Loan?
You have found yourself in a situation – you need money today and you don’t get paid until next week. Perhaps you had to take time off because you were sick. You can get a fast and friendly cash advance to help you now.
All Loan Companies Are Not The Same
When you choose Same Day Loan Co., it will cost you less to pay off your payday loan as opposed to when you choose a competitor. After you call them – call us and see how much money you can save!

Do You Have A Future Dated Check?
Often companies will issue a check prior to the actual date that is on the check. At Same Day Loan Co. you can cash that check today. You can receive instantly the cash loan you need. Call today and get your questions answered.

Concerning Check Cashing Fees?
Call around – then call us. You’ll pay less to cash your check when you visit one of our locations. Contact us for specific information regarding your type of check. We’re happy to quote our fees over the phone.
About Us
With our customers in mind we are always ready to offer the safest, fair, and most affordable financial solution on the market. We offer:
- – Large network of direct lenders;
- – Equal credit opportunities for each customer;
- – Wide range of loan options;
- – 24/7 online application;
- – Guaranteed loan decision in a few minutes;
- – Fast money transfer directly to your bank account.
We are happy to help you take the first step towards financial stability!

Get Your Money – And Pay Less
You shouldn’t have to spend a fortune to get the money you need. Whether you need a payday loan or have a check to cash – at Same Day Loan Co. you pay less! When you need money today contact us or come on in and we’ll be happy to explain your options.
You can trust that every effort will be made to approve you for a loan. Call us or stop in today!